Absences from internships and courses will be recorded weekly by the teaching staff in the e-learning platform.
In the case of practical work / clinical internships / seminars, absences can be made up free of charge in the same week with another group or with a fee, in the periods established for making up, with the approval of the teaching staff of the group with which the make up is done. For clinical study subjects, the renewal of internships will be done in accordance with the criteria established by each didactic activity coordinator.
Students who have exceeded the limit of 30% absences for practical work / internships / seminars, except for special cases, will have to redo them either in the following semester of the same year, with the approval of the teaching staff of the group with which the redo is made, if there is one didactic activity, but with other study formations, or in the following year, under conditions of outstanding credit, with fee.
If the absences are motivated by medical reasons or particular family problems, the reinstatement will be made free of charge, with the approval of the didactic activity coordinator and the Dean’s Office.
Absences made for special medical or family reasons will be motivated and recovered based on a request submitted to the Dean’s office of the faculty within 15 days from the end of the absent period.
The delay in submitting requests beyond this deadline determines the approval of renewals only with a fee. With the approval of the Dean’s Office, recovery can be done free of charge / with a fee, respecting the 30% limit for each study discipline.
The renewal with a fee can only be carried out on the basis of a certificate issued by the Dean’s office of the faculty, as a result of the request made by the student, endorsed by the teaching staff of the group with which the renewal will be made, after payment of the renewal fee and its approval by the Council Office of the Faculty.
Unexcused absences (for which there is no acceptable justification or for which the justification was submitted too late, after the expiration of the 2 weeks provided for in the previous articles) may be recovered only after payment of the fees provided for in the decision of the Board of Directors and in accordance with the articles of the regulations University.