Firstly, to pass a subject you will require a minimum 5 (from a scale 1 to 10) at the class mark (10%), minimum 5 at the practical exam mark (40%) and minimum 5 at the final written exam (50%).

Thus, if you only get a 3 as a class mark, you will have to repeat the subject the following year as a credit exam. 

For the upcoming year you will need to collect a total of 45 credits; otherwise you will have to repeat the subjects of the first year.

In case someone failes a number of subjects, but fulfills the required 45 credits, will have to repeat only the failed subjects, the following year, on the credit examination periods (November/ December and March/ April).

The credit examination fee is 80 euros per credit.The student can only move credits up to two years ahead; otherwise he/she will fail the present year. For example, a third year student who didn’t manage to pass a subject from the first year on the credit sessions will remain a third year student.